
Today the concept of inclusion makes all educators responsible for creating supportive learning environment. In Benin schools, consensus is made to accept students with stigma. This article is to explore Benin EFL teachers ‘and students’ belief on the acceptance of two main categories of students with stigma (Woli and Hounyos). They are concerned with girls who are not allowed to be dressed on top and who keep scarification on their face and chest (Hounyos). The second category are members of celestial church, who keep their hair natural all their life without combing or brushing it (dreadlocks). They are known to be gifted and can predict future. Three public schools and one private school took part in this study. Questionnaire, interview, and classroom observation were used as an instrument in this research. Overall, nineteen students with stigma participated. The results from this research have shown that Benin EFL teachers adopt different approaches on the integration of those specific cases of students in the classroom. Suggestions are then formulated on how Benin EFL teachers should manage the concerned students.


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