The Impact of Gender and Development Projects on Family Configurations in the Northern Zone of Cameroon
Family structures are gradually changing. This evolution is gaining momentum with globalization and development. In the northern zone of Cameroon, many development projects are implemented there with the aim of ensuring the prevention, protection and social care of communities. However, they constitute at the same time a weakening/destabilization of families. This contribution aims to analyze the impact of gender-related projects on family configurations in the northern zone of Cameroon. This study being essentially qualitative, takes into account ethnographic and documentary data. Based on the dynamic sociology of George Balandier, it starts from the hypothesis that gender projects implemented with a view of guaranteeing social development appear rather as a disturbing element in families because the ideologies conveyed by these projects do not converge with African customs and practices. The findings show how old family practices, considered normal, are perceived today with the advent of gender-related projects as violence or coercive practices. These ideologies modify and transform current family configurations. This study contributes to the understanding of the direct and indirect effects of globalization on African families.
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