
The purpose of this study is to map potential, develop strategies, and objects to develop action plans for promoting culture in encouraging regional development in North Konawe Regency. This research was conducted in North Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, literature studies, document studies, and observations. Data analysis was performed using domain and taxonomy techniques. The results of the study show First, the mapping of 10 objects of cultural promotion in North Konawe, including: manuscripts, oral traditions, customs, rites, traditional knowledge, traditional technology, arts, languages, games, traditional sports and cultural heritage. Second, the strategy for promoting culture is carried out covering the short term, medium term and long term. (1) Short term, includes; strengthening the capacity of traditional institutions, inventorying cultural potential, encouraging cultural attractions, developing cultural inventory, strengthening community capacity. (2) the medium term includes; renovation of cultural sites, development of cross-regional institutions, integration of local culture into the formal education curriculum, development of cultural development buffer zone areas. (3) Long term, including socialization of culture to the community, strengthening of tangible and intangible culture. Third, the action plan for promoting culture, includes: institutionalizing cultural weeks, through knowledge transfer, increasing cultural diplomacy, building cultural heritage innovation centers in each sub-district, involving cultural actors in tourism policies and functioning public assets as centers of cultural expression activities.


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