Digitalization of Zakat in Stimulating Community Socio-Economic Development in the Middle of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Maqashid Syariah Perspective)
The Covid-19 pandemic seems to have harmed people's lives, especially in social and economic aspects. The Islamic finance sector can solve these problems because, in principle, Islamic economics aims to achieve public welfare. Zakat, infaq, alms and waqf is one form of activity in Islamic economics, which is part of the form of compulsory worship and advice from Allah SWT. Previous studies have stated that the management and distribution of zakat, from direct assistance to community empowerment assistance, is effective in helping improve the community's social and economic welfare. Applying zakat with the community's principles and returning to the community can encourage economic equity, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, like today, where many people's economic activities are hampered. The digital zakat system is a breakthrough to increase the effectiveness of the management and distribution of zakat to the community. The digitization of zakat also makes it easier for the community to distribute zakat obligations. Coordination from various parties, such as the government, zakat institutions and academics, is needed in developing the zakat digitization system to achieve maximum results. With the application of Maqashid Syariah in managing digital zakat, it is hoped that zakat can be right on target in meeting human needs.
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