Impact of Globalization on Socioeconomic and Health Conditions a Quantitative Study of Adivasis
The process of globalisation has made an unprecedented change in indigenous people's lives worldwide. However, the degree of exploitation and marginalisation vary from State to states and tribal group to group. It examines that younger age group is more than 40%, the majority of Adivasis are illiterates. More than 70 per cent of samples are male and married, and they follow a nuclear family system. Fifty-three per cent of Adivasis are residing in small huts, their religion is Hindu, and they speak the Telugu language. Sixty per cent of respondents are cultivator with below three acres of land, and their annual income is below 14,000/ rupees. It shows that majority of Adivasis are in poverty. Twenty-three per cent of the respondent is suffering from Anaemia health problems, followed by 19 per cent of Blood Pressure, 15 per cent Diabetes, 13 per cent Tuberculosis, Nine per cent Gynecological problems, in the study area. The globalisation has adversely impacted socio-economic aspects, including marriage, dressing patterns, and food habits of Adivasis in the study area of Telangana State, India.
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