
Currently, the level of reliance of ICT among university students across the globe is unpresented. Students are heavy internet users because they perform the majority of their daily communications and school related activities on the internet. As a result the students are highly exposed to cybercrime victimization. Therefore, it’s important to determine issues surrounding their level of awareness of cybercrime. This study sought to examine the factors associated with students’ level of awareness of cybercrime at Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Nakuru County, Kenya. In order to achieve this, three specific research objectives were addressed; to determine the association between gender and cybercrime awareness among university students, to examine the association between age and cybercrime awareness among university students and to find out the relationship between the level of study and cybercrime awareness among university students. The study was based on the theory of technology enabled crime, policing and security. The study adopted cross sectional design and stratified random sampling technique to select respondents from the study population. The unit of analysis for this study was students at Egerton University. Questionnaire was used as a primary data collection instrument and was administered on the web. The collected data was analyzed using inferential and deceptive statistics. The study found no association between gender and the level of cybercrime awareness but it found a significant association between age of students and the level of cybercrime awareness. In addition, there was a significant association between students’ level of study and cybercrime awareness. The study has provided information necessary for the design and implementation of cybercrime awareness activities, thus helping in the implementation of Kenya’s National Cybersecurity strategy.


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