Distance Education and Human Resource Development: An Empirical Review
Distance education has been justified by many researchers to augment the development of human resources. This paper aimed to find out the extent to which distance education contributes to human resource development around the globe. The uniqueness of this study stem from its focus on bringing together on one platform differing empirical findings on distance education and human resource development. The study sought to synthesize the various studies focusing on the degree to which distance education influence human resource development. The rationale for this approach was to make it easier for decision makers and practitioners interested in such information to have unfettered access to varieties of opinion to inform strategic decision making. The paper explored empirical studies that have examined the relationship between distance education and human resource development. In all, 94 articles were consulted, however, 63 were analyzed qualitatively, using thematic analysis. These 63 articles were considered eligible based on their relevance to the study and for the fact that they were written in English Language. The review found the contribution of distance education to human resource development in areas of improved educational and professional capabilities of individuals, increased employability, income, standards of living and reduced marginalization. The review however, did not find any national policy framework geared towards the funding of distance education. The implication is that government and nations which have established distance education as an alternative mode of providing higher education should as a matter of importance focus on the establishment and implementation of national policies addressing issues of funding, technological innovation and the efficient running of distance education.
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